import requests import pyautogui import time import random import subprocess import sys class maino: global register_machine def register_machine(): print('Registering machine in network ..') data = {'auth':'dclsv1','rqtype':'register_machine'} url='' header = requests.get('') s = requests.Session() s.get('') r =,data,header) data = r.text machine_id = data return data global update_machine def update_machine(m_id,stat): print('Updating status of machine: #'+str(m_id)) data = {'auth':'dclsv1','rqtype':'update_machine','machine_id':m_id,'stat':stat} url='' header = requests.get('') s = requests.Session() s.get('') r =,data,header) data = r.text machine_id = data return data global update_task def update_task(t_id,stat): print('Updating status of task: #'+str(t_id)) data = {'auth':'dclsv1','rqtype':'update_task','task_id':t_id,'stat':stat} url='' header = requests.get('') s = requests.Session() s.get('') r =,data,header) data = r.text machine_id = data return data global check_task def check_task(m_id,user_name,type): print('Checking new tasks for machine: #'+str(m_id)) data = {'auth':'dclsv1','rqtype':'check_tasks','dclsv_user':user_name,'machine_id':m_id} url='' header = requests.get('') s = requests.Session() s.get('') r =,data,header) data = r.text result = data.split('||') rd = result[type] return rd global str_list_to_int_list def str_list_to_int_list(str_list): n = 0 while n < len(str_list): str_list[n] = int(str_list[n]) n += 1 return(str_list) global arraytostr def arraytostr(s): str1 = "," return (str1.join(s)) global goto def goto(text,accpos,x,y): time.sleep(2),y) time.sleep(0.7) pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl','a') time.sleep(0.7) pyautogui.typewrite(text) time.sleep(1)'enter') time.sleep(1) global check_mess def check_mess(type): data = {'i':'last','r_usr':username} url='' header = requests.get('') s = requests.Session() s.get('') r =,data,header) data = r.text data = data.split('|') return data[type] global send_mess def send_mess(mess,rqid): if rqid=='': rqid = 'unknown'; data = {'message':mess,'auth':'rembot','rqid':rqid} url='' header = requests.get('') # create a session object s = requests.Session() # make a get request s.get('') # again make a get request r =,data,header) # check if cookie is still set print(r.text) username = input('Your username on Live Chat: ') if username == '': username = 'kamil111' accs_search = '' url = '' control_pos = input('URL bar pos(x,y) and message field pos(x,y): seperated by [space] ') control_pos = control_pos.split(' ') if len(control_pos) == 2: accs_search = control_pos[0] url = control_pos[1] if accs_search == '': accs_search = '800,45' if url == '': url = '1125,1000' acc_in = input('Account positions(x,y) seperated by [space]: ') acc_input = acc_in.split(' ') accs = acc_input accounts = len(accs)+1 machine_id = register_machine() print('!! Your Machine ID: '+str(machine_id)+' !! ') update_machine(machine_id,'ready') print('Bot settings:: Live Chat nick: '+username+' | Search Bar pos(x,y): '+accs_search+' | Url Bar pos(x,y):'+str(url)+' | declarated accounts: '+str(accounts-1)) time.sleep(10) while True: time.sleep(5) update_machine(machine_id,'ready') task_id = check_task(machine_id,username,0) curr_task = check_task(machine_id,username,1) rc = curr_task.split('::') if curr_task.find('send::')!=-1: update_task(task_id,'in process') print('DCLSV: send_function executed!! ') if len(rc) > 2: if rc[2] == 'rand_slow': delstr = 55 elif rc[2] == 'rand_fast': delstr = 12 elif rc[2] =='rand_fastest': delstr = 3 else: if rc[2].isnumeric() == True: delstr = delay else: delstr = 12 else: delstr = 12 arr = rc[1].split('--') send_time = ((delstr*len(arr))+(len(arr)*3)) send_mess('DETAILS:
AVG DELAY: '+str(delstr)+'s
APPROX. TIME: '+str(send_time)+'s
ITEMS('+str(len(arr))+'): ['+arraytostr(arr)+']
',task_id) random_numbers = [''] max = len(arr) if len(arr)>accounts: max=accounts while len(random_numbers) <= max: randome = random.randint(1,max) if random_numbers.count(randome-1) == 0: random_numbers.append(randome-1) for x in range(len(random_numbers)-1): if len(rc) > 2: if rc[2] == 'rand_slow': delay = random.randint(10,100) elif rc[2] == 'rand_fast': delay = random.randint(5,20) elif rc[2] =='rand_fastest': delay = random.randint(1,5) else: if rc[2].isnumeric() == True: delay = float(rc[2]) else: delay = 25 else: delay = 25 print('DELAY: '+str(delay)+'s') time.sleep(delay) com = arr[x] pom = random_numbers[x+1] click = accs[pom] url_cord = url.split(',') url_x = int(url_cord[0]) url_y = int(url_cord[1]) click = click.split(',') goto(com,click,url_x,url_y) update_task(task_id,'outdated') send_mess('Your messages have been sent!',task_id) elif curr_task.find('goto::')!=-1: update_task(task_id,'in process') print('DSC: function_goto executed!! ') href = str(rc[1]) if href == 'home': href = '' elif href == 'stream-text': href = '' send_mess('DSC: GOING TO: '+href,task_id) for x in range(len(accs)): time.sleep(10) cords = accs_search.split(',') cordx = int(cords[0]) cordy = int(cords[1]) goto_acc = accs[x] goto_acc = goto_acc.split(',') goto(href,goto_acc,cordx,cordy) time.sleep(random.randint(15,45)) update_task(task_id,'outdated') send_mess('GOTO successed!! ',task_id) elif curr_task.find('sende::')!=-1: mess = str(rc[1]) print('DSC: function_sende executed!! ') update_task(task_id,'in process') send_mess('Your message is in process it will take some time, be patient!',task_id) for x in range(len(accs)): time.sleep(5) cords = accs[x] cords = cords.split(',') url_cord = url.split(',') cordx = int(url_cord[0]) cordy = int(url_cord[1]) goto(mess,cords,cordx,cordy) update_task(task_id,'outdated') send_mess('Messages were sent!',task_id) elif curr_task.find('exit')!=-1: update_task(task_id,'in process') send_mess('Shutting down..',task_id) update_task(task_id,'outdated')['shutdown','/p']) elif curr_task.find('stop')!=-1: update_task(task_id,'in process') send_mess('Bot is shutting down!',task_id) update_task(task_id,'outdated')['taskkill','/IM','dclsv1.exe']) elif curr_task.find('help')!=-1: update_task(task_id,'in process') send_mess('
DCLSv2 Commands!Warning!
Do not use chars [|!] in your requests!
DCLSV Explorer:
',task_id) update_task(task_id,'outdated') else: for x in range(len(accs)): time.sleep(4) acc_position = accs[x] acc_position = acc_position.split(',') acc_x = int(acc_position[0]) acc_y = int(acc_position[1]),acc_y) time.sleep(4) update_machine(machine_id,'ready')